Tuesday, October 28, 2008

MoFo Tuesday: Chocolate Truffles

In this final week of MoFo postings, I have abandoned any pretense of health and sensible nutrition, it seems, in pursuit of pure, unadulterated pleasure.

Of the 'Chocolate Truffle' variety, specifically.

I recently acquired - at the behest of My Dear Mama - a copy of the Artful Vegan, the cookbook from the Millenium Restaurant. It is splendid - full of juicy foodie images and beautifully elegant recipes. They are not exactly your typical 'mid-week, just got home from work, via the gym, still got to feed and walk the dogs and it's already 8:15pm' kind of fare, however. But, this weekend, I took the plunge in a very minor way by making these:

Chocolate truffles.

They are super simple but ridiculously delicious. Here's what you do:

Chop up 3/4 cup dark chocolate and 1/4 cup dried cherries, thus:

Melt them in a double boiler along with 1/4 cup soymilk and a 1/4 cup of rum. Stir gently until it looks like this...a marvelously melty choccie confection!

Add a 1/4 tsp chili powder for a bit of a spice kick. This is optional, but fun!

Refrigerate for about 2 hours.

Using a melon baller (or teaspoon), scoop out the thickened mix and drop into some cocoa powder, sweetened with a little powdered sugar. Roll into cute little balls, popping the first one into your mouth - just for 'Quality Control' purposes, of course.


The mixture should make about 16 truffles (-1 for the cook!) so there are ample to go around.

I substituted dried cranberries for the dried cherries as that's what I had in the cupboard, rationalising that - this way - there's a double serving of those wonderful antioxidents!

The end result was deep, dark and rich beyond words. The kick of cayenne (I had no chili powder as such) comes on afterwards, but it is unmistakable and surprisingly good.

If you want to try them for yourselves, this is the book for you:

Or come on over to my place - I have a whole batch just waiting for you!

Stay Vegan, Friends!


Jen Treehugger said...

You have no idea how happy this post makes me. I am making Truffles to give as Christmas gifts and trawling the internet for recipes and tips and what not has been a bit overwhelming. It's so nice for my little brain to see step by step instructions!!
Thank you

Bex said...

I just got this book! *runs to find the truffles recipe* yipeeeeee!

Kelly said...

I feel like my friend may have that cookbook. Thanks for posting this recipe. I've been wanting to make truffles but have held off all month since alas, the recipes I have are not vegan. Perhaps I will have to make a batch of these to bring into work for halloween. They look delicious and I fully agree, taste testing for quality control is required.